Unpack With Me

unpack with me

Unpack what's holding you back

tasha gooden

Founder / Owner

"Your destiny is to recognize the gifts God has placed on you. Your gifts include the things you can’t control…your experiences, your successes, and even the times you fail or make mistakes, because it all is leading you to your purpose & allows you to help yourself and others in a unique way based upon your experiences."

About unpack with me

Your life experiences impact you in ways you may not recognize or be able to process at the time they occur. As you experience life,  the process of healing is addressed through your experiences, relationships, and professional experiences.  As a result, working on bettering your life, involves intentional unpacking that will help you navigate your circumstances and be able to reveal blind spots, heal, learn and work towards living a healthy life.

As my career progressed, I always found myself having conversations with people who shared personal pieces of their lives with me. I have been blessed to work with so many people that felt safe enough to unpack with me. I have a passion for inspiring people to maximize their potential despite their imperfections and what they have been through. 

I used to want to change people, but only God can do that. I just want to plant seeds that grow in the minds and hearts of those I cross paths with. Seeing others grow, increase self awareness, self esteem and confidence to succeed makes my heart full. There are so many talented and wonderful people in our world that never maximize their potential for so many reasons and I hope that if you are one of those people; you find a way to fight towards unlocking your potential by unpacking piece by piece.

Unpack With Me represents unpacking, healing, mental freedom, breaking away from things…building confidence, removing shame, guilt, and more. Everyone has a story and everyone has the capability to elevate mentally and emotionally. However the key element, is being able to unpack what weighs us down or holds us back. No one in this world is perfect. The goal essentially is that we all unpack pieces that don’t serve us so that we can elevate and break away from negative patterns or lifestyles.