Unpack With Me

Thank you for visiting the Unpack With Me space. As someone who journeyed from being a first-generation college student to taking on leadership roles within higher education and non-profit sectors, I have accumulated invaluable insights along the way. I want to use my experiences and awakening to help others see the light, heal, & maximize their potential.

After serving as the Director of Student Success and a Success Coach to over 300 college students, I came the realization that God placed me in this space for a higher purpose. I am so grateful to cross paths with people that feel safe enough to unpack with me. Not having a blueprint has been instrumental in shaping my career and has allowed me to be a transparent resource for others.

This fueled my passion to develop this space to expand my ability to reach anyone who is seeking direction or wants to unpack with me. Thank you all for being on this journey with me.

With Gratitude,


“I thank you, no one has ever taken the time to listen to me actually talk about my own issues & seem interested before…I never thought just talking about things would help but it truly does.”

 -Confidential Testimonial


Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

– Dale Carnegie

“The first step to overcoming your hindrances is to take action. In other words, to determine what’s holding you back, you must be willing to take a step forward. 

Easier said than done, I know. But you might not need to take big, bold steps to radically transform your life…you can start small.”

Kunal Walia

break negative generational patterns

“We all have patterns of behaviors. We’ve all inherited family patterns of behaviors that may be harmful. We can break these generational patterns so our children can be free. There are patterns that are passed down through the generations. Some are good, and some conduct is harmful and causes ongoing complications. For children of childhood trauma, like myself, if we look with a compassionate eye at our abuser, we most likely find they too were mistreated in their past.”

Terri Kozlowski


“It’s when we start working together that the real healing  takes place.”

"you can gain the world & lose your soul..."

"If you aren't being validated, have unhealed trauma, lack love or lack being exposed to someone genuinely caring for you…you may seek for it outside of yourself without realizing it. This causes people to search for love, attention, and/or validation in the wrong places."